Museum Object

2. Woodblock Print



Room / Case / #

33 / 27A/ 4

China Invented Paper & Printing: 

Print from the library Cave, Dunhuang, Gansu Province, Western China. This print from 10th C and is slightly smaller than an A4 sheet of paper.

Printing on paper in China was widespread by CE 700 with Buddhism playing a powerful role in its development.  It took another 700 years to take off in Europe. Buddhists believe reproducing religious texts is essential if one is to receive heaven’s blessings and this drove demand in China. See also the printing block 1909,0519.2  in this same case. A form of moveable type had been invented in China in the 11th C but China’s 40,000 distinct characters made it cumbersome to use. Woodblocks such as this were in use from 800 CE.